'''Provide functions to rate the quality of weighted samples.
import numpy as _np
[docs]def perp(weights):
r"""Calculate the normalized perplexity :math:`\mathcal{P}` of samples
with ``weights`` :math:`\omega_i`. :math:`\mathcal{P}=0` is
terrible and :math:`\mathcal{P}=1` is perfect.
.. math::
\mathcal{P} = exp(H) / N
.. math::
H = - \sum_{i=1}^N \bar{\omega}_i log ~ \bar{\omega}_i
.. math::
\bar{\omega}_i = \frac{\omega_i}{\sum_i \omega_i}
:param weights:
Vector-like array; the samples' weights
# normalize weights
w = _np.asarray(weights) / _np.sum(weights)
# mask zero weights
w = _np.ma.MaskedArray(w, copy=False, mask=(w == 0))
# avoid NaN due to log(0) by log(1)=0
entr = - _np.sum( w * _np.log(w.filled(1.0)))
return _np.exp(entr) / len(w)
[docs]def ess(weights):
r"""Calculate the normalized effective sample size :math:`ESS` [LC95]_
of samples with ``weights`` :math:`\omega_i`. :math:`ESS=0` is
terrible and :math:`ESS=1` is perfect.
.. math::
ESS = \frac{1}{1+C^2}
.. math::
C^2 = \frac{1}{N} \sum_{i=1}^N (N \bar{\omega}_i - 1)^2
.. math::
\bar{\omega}_i = \frac{\omega_i}{\sum_i \omega_i}
:param weights:
Vector-like array; the samples' weights
# normalize weights
w = _np.asarray(weights) / _np.sum(weights)
# ess
coeff_var = _np.sum((len(w) * w - 1)**2) / len(w)
return 1.0 / (1.0 + coeff_var)