_max_color = 0.9
[docs]def plot_mixture(mixture, i=0, j=1, center_style=dict(s=0.15),
cmap='nipy_spectral', cutoff=0.0, ellipse_style=dict(alpha=0.3),
solid_edge=True, visualize_weights=False):
'''Plot the (Gaussian) components of the ``mixture`` density as
one-sigma ellipses in the ``(i,j)`` plane.
:param center_style:
If a non-empty ``dict``, plot mean value with the style passed to ``scatter``.
:param cmap:
The color map to which components are mapped in order to
choose their face color. It is unaffected by the
``cutoff``. The meaning depends on ``visualize_weights``.
:param cutoff:
Ignore components whose weight is below the ``cut off``.
:param ellipse_style:
Passed on to define the properties of the ``Ellipse``.
:param solid_edge:
Draw the edge of the ellipse as solid opaque line.
:param visualize_weights:
Colorize the components according to their weights if ``True``.
One can do `plt.colorbar()` after this function and the bar allows to read off the weights.
If ``False``, coloring is based on the component index and the total number of components.
This option makes it easier to track components by assigning them the same color in subsequent calls to this function.
# imports inside the function because then "ImportError" is raised on
# systems without 'matplotlib' only when 'plot_mixture' is called
import numpy as np
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.patches import Ellipse
from matplotlib.cm import get_cmap
assert i >= 0 and j >= 0, 'Invalid submatrix specification (%d, %d)' % (i, j)
assert i != j, 'Identical dimension given: i=j=%d' % i
assert mixture.dim >= 2, '1D plot not supported'
cmap = get_cmap(name=cmap)
if visualize_weights:
# colors according to weight
renormalized_component_weights = np.array(mixture.weights)
colors = [cmap(k) for k in renormalized_component_weights]
# colors according to index
colors = [cmap(k) for k in np.linspace(0, _max_color, len(mixture.components))]
mask = mixture.weights >= cutoff
# plot component means
means = np.array([c.mu for c in mixture.components])
x_values = means.T[i]
y_values = means.T[j]
for k, w in enumerate(mixture.weights):
# skip components by hand to retain consistent coloring
if w < cutoff:
cov = mixture.components[k].sigma
submatrix = np.array([[cov[i,i], cov[i,j]], \
[cov[j,i], cov[j,j]]])
# for idea, check
# 'Combining error ellipses' by John E. Davis
correlation = np.array([[1.0, cov[i,j] / np.sqrt(cov[i,i] * cov[j,j])], [0.0, 1.0]])
correlation[1,0] = correlation[0,1]
assert abs(correlation[0,1]) <= 1, 'Invalid component %d with correlation %g' % (k, correlation[0, 1])
ew, ev = np.linalg.eigh(submatrix)
assert ew.min() > 0, 'Nonpositive eigenvalue in component %d: %s' % (k, ew)
# rotation angle of major axis with x-axis
if submatrix[0,0] == submatrix[1,1]:
theta = np.sign(submatrix[0,1]) * np.pi / 4.
theta = 0.5 * np.arctan( 2 * submatrix[0,1] / (submatrix[1,1] - submatrix[0,0]))
# put larger eigen value on y'-axis
height = np.sqrt(ew.max())
width = np.sqrt(ew.min())
# but change orientation of coordinates if the other is larger
if submatrix[0,0] > submatrix[1,1]:
height = np.sqrt(ew.min())
width = np.sqrt(ew.max())
# change sign to rotate in right direction
angle = -theta * 180 / np.pi
# copy keywords but override some
ellipse_style_clone = dict(ellipse_style)
# overwrite facecolor
ellipse_style_clone['facecolor'] = colors[k]
ax = plt.gca()
# need full width/height
e = Ellipse(xy=(x_values[k], y_values[k]),
width=2*width, height=2*height, angle=angle,
if solid_edge:
ellipse_style_clone['facecolor'] = 'none'
ellipse_style_clone['edgecolor'] = colors[k]
ellipse_style_clone['alpha'] = 1
ax.add_patch(Ellipse(xy=(x_values[k], y_values[k]),
width=2*width, height=2*height, angle=angle,
if center_style:
plt.scatter(x_values[mask], y_values[mask], **center_style)
if visualize_weights:
# to enable plt.colorbar()
mappable = plt.gci()
[docs]def plot_responsibility(data, responsibility,
'''Classify the 2D ``data`` according to the ``responsibility`` and
make a scatter plot of each data point with the color of the
component it is most likely from. The ``responsibility`` is
normalized internally such that each row sums to unity.
:param data:
matrix-like; one row = one 2D sample
:param responsibility:
matrix-like; one row = probabilities that sample n is from
1st, 2nd, ... component. The number of rows has to agree with ``data``
:param cmap:
colormap; defines how component indices are mapped to the
color of the data points
import numpy as np
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.cm import get_cmap
data = np.asarray(data)
responsibility = np.asarray(responsibility)
assert data.ndim == 2
assert responsibility.ndim == 2
D = data.shape[1]
N = data.shape[0]
K = responsibility.shape[1]
assert D == 2
assert N == responsibility.shape[0]
# normalize responsibility so each row sums to one
inv_row_sum = 1.0 / np.einsum('nk->n', responsibility)
responsibility = np.einsum('n,nk->nk', inv_row_sum, responsibility)
# index of the most likely component for each sample
indicators = np.argmax(responsibility, axis=1)
# same color range as in plot_mixture
if K > 1:
point_colors = indicators / (K - 1) * _max_color
point_colors = np.zeros(N)
plt.scatter(data.T[0], data.T[1], c=point_colors, cmap=cmap)