Source code for

'''Implements the "minimal lexicographic integer partition"


import numpy as _np
from ..density.gauss import Gauss
from ..density.mixture import MixtureDensity

import logging
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]def partition(N, k): '''Distribute ``N`` into ``k`` parts such that each part takes the value ``N//k`` or ``N//k + 1`` where ``//`` denotes integer division; i.e., perform the minimal lexicographic integer partition. Example: N = 5, k = 2 --> return [3, 2] ''' out = [N // k] * k remainder = N % k for i in range(remainder): out[i] += 1 return out
[docs]def patch_data(data, L=100, try_diag=True, verbose=False): '''Patch ``data`` (for example Markov chain output) into parts of length ``L``. Return a Gaussian mixture where each component gets the empirical mean and covariance of one patch. :param data: Matrix-like array; the points to be patched. Expect ``data[i]`` as the d-dimensional i-th point. :param L: Integer; the length of one patch. The last patch will be shorter if ``L`` is not a divisor of ``len(data)``. :param try_diag: Bool; If some patch does not define a proper covariance matrix, it cannot define a Gaussian component. ``try_diag`` defines how to handle that case: If ``True`` (default), the off-diagonal elements are set to zero and it is tried to form a Gaussian with that matrix again. If that fails as well, the patch is skipped. If ``False`` the patch is skipped directly. ''' if verbose: from import depr_warn_verbose depr_warn_verbose(__name__) # patch data into length L patches patches = _np.array([data[patch_start:patch_start + L] for patch_start in range(0, len(data), L)]) # calculate means and covs means = _np.array([_np.mean(patch, axis=0) for patch in patches]) covs = _np.array([_np.cov (patch, rowvar=0) for patch in patches]) # form gaussian components components = [] skipped = [] for i, (mean, cov) in enumerate(zip(means, covs)): try: this_comp = Gauss(mean, cov) components.append(this_comp) except _np.linalg.LinAlgError as error1:"Could not form Gauss from patch %i. Reason: %s" % (i, repr(error1))) if try_diag: cov = _np.diag(_np.diag(cov)) try: this_comp = Gauss(mean, cov) components.append(this_comp)'Diagonal covariance attempt succeeded.') except _np.linalg.LinAlgError as error2: skipped.append(i)"Diagonal covariance attempt failed. Reason: %s" % repr(error2)) else: # if not try_diag skipped.append(i) # print skipped components if any if skipped: logger.warning("Could not form Gaussians from: %s" % skipped) # create and return mixture return MixtureDensity(components)