"""Hierarchical clustering as described in [GR04]_
import copy
import numpy as np
import scipy.linalg as linalg
import logging
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
[docs]class Hierarchical(object):
"""Hierarchical clustering as described in [GR04]_.
Find a Gaussian mixture density :math:`g` with components
:math:`g_j` that most closely matches the Gaussian mixture density
specified by :math:`f` and its components :math:`f_i`, but with
less components. The algorithm is an iterative EM procedure
alternating between a *regroup* and a *refit* step, and requires
an ``initial_guess`` of the output density that defines the
maximum number of components to use.
:param input_components:
:py:class:`pypmc.density.mixture.MixtureDensity` with Gaussian
(:py:class:`pypmc.density.gauss.Gauss`) components; the Gaussian
mixture to be reduced.
:param initial_guess:
:py:class:`pypmc.density.mixture.MixtureDensity` with Gaussian
(:py:class:`pypmc.density.gauss.Gauss`) components; initial guess
for the EM algorithm.
.. seealso::
def __init__(self, input_components, initial_guess):
# read and verify component numbers
self.nin = len(input_components.components)
self.nout = len(initial_guess.components)
assert self.nin > self.nout, "Got more output (%i) than input (%i) components" % (self.nout, self.nin)
assert self.nout > 0, "Invalid number of output components %s" % self.nout
self.f = input_components
self.g = copy.deepcopy(initial_guess)
# inverse map: several inputs can map to one output, so need list
self.inv_map = {}
for j in range(self.nout):
self.inv_map[j] = None
# the i-th element is :math:`min_j KL(f_i || g_j)`
self.min_kl = np.zeros(self.nin) + np.inf
def _cleanup(self, kill):
"""Look for dead components (weight=0) and remove them
if enabled by ``kill``.
Resize storage. Recompute determinant and covariance.
if kill:
removed_indices = self.g.prune()
self.nout -= len(removed_indices)
if removed_indices:
logger.info('Removing %s' % removed_indices)
for j in removed_indices:
def _distance(self):
"""Compute the distance function d(f,g,\pi), Eq. (3)"""
return np.average(self.min_kl, weights=self.f.weights)
def _refit(self):
"""Update the map :math:`\pi` keeping the output :math:`g` fixed
Use Eq. (7) and below in [GR04]_
# temporary variables for manipulation
mu_diff = np.empty_like(self.f.components[0].mu)
sigma = np.empty_like(self.f.components[0].sigma)
mean = np.empty_like(mu_diff)
cov = np.empty_like(sigma)
for j, c in enumerate(self.g.components):
# stop if inv_map is empty for j-th comp.
if not self.inv_map[j]:
self.g.weights[j] = 0.
# (re-)initialize new mean/cov to zero
mean[:] = 0.0
cov[:] = 0.0
# compute total weight and mean
self.g.weights[j] = self.f.weights[self.inv_map[j]].sum()
for i in self.inv_map[j]:
mean += self.f.weights[i] * self.f.components[i].mu
# rescale by total weight
mean /= self.g.weights[j]
# update covariance
for i in self.inv_map[j]:
# mu_diff = mu'_j - mu_i
mu_diff[:] = mean
mu_diff -= self.f.components[i].mu
# sigma = (mu'_j - mu_i) (mu'_j - mu_i)^T
sigma[:] = np.outer(mu_diff, mu_diff)
# sigma += sigma_i
sigma += self.f.components[i].sigma
# multiply with alpha_i
sigma *= self.f.weights[i]
# sigma_j += alpha_i * (sigma_i + (mu'_j - mu_i) (mu'_j - mu_i)^T
cov += sigma
# 1 / beta_j
cov /= self.g.weights[j]
# update the Mixture
c.update(mean, cov)
def _regroup(self):
"""Update the output :math:`g` keeping the map :math:`\pi` fixed.
Compute the KL between all input and output components.
# clean up old maps
for j in range(self.nout):
self.inv_map[j] = []
# find smallest divergence between input component i
# and output component j of the cluster mixture density
for i in range(self.nin):
self.min_kl[i] = np.inf
j_min = None
for j in range(self.nout):
kl = kullback_leibler(self.f.components[i], self.g.components[j])
if kl < self.min_kl[i]:
self.min_kl[i] = kl
j_min = j
assert j_min is not None
[docs] def run(self, eps=1e-4, kill=True, max_steps=50, verbose=False):
r"""Perform the clustering on the input components updating the initial
guess. The result is available in the member ``self.g``.
Return the number of iterations at convergence, or None.
:param eps:
If relative change of distance between current and last step falls below ``eps``,
declare convergence:
.. math::
0 < \frac{d^t - d^{t-1}}{d^t} < \varepsilon
:param kill:
If a component is assigned zero weight (no input components), it is removed.
:param max_steps:
Perform a maximum number of update steps.
if verbose:
from pypmc.tools.util import depr_warn_verbose
old_distance = np.finfo(np.float64).max
new_distance = np.finfo(np.float64).max
logger.info('Starting hierarchical clustering with %d components.' % len(self.g.components))
converged = False
for step in range(1, max_steps + 1):
new_distance = self._distance()
assert new_distance >= 0, 'Found non-positive distance %d' % new_distance
logger.info('Distance in step %d: %g' % (step, new_distance))
if new_distance == old_distance:
converged = True
logger.info('Exact minimum found after %d steps' % step)
rel_change = (old_distance - new_distance) / old_distance
assert not (rel_change < -1e-13), 'distance increased'
if rel_change < eps and not converged and step > 0:
converged = True
if new_distance != old_distance:
logger.info('Close enough to local minimum after %d steps' % step)
# save distance for comparison in next step
old_distance = new_distance
logger.info('%d components remain.' % len(self.g.components))
if converged:
return step
# else return None
[docs]def kullback_leibler(c1, c2):
"""Kullback Leibler divergence of two Gaussians, :math:`KL(1||2)`"""
d = c2.log_det_sigma - c1.log_det_sigma
d += np.trace(c2.inv_sigma.dot(c1.sigma))
mean_diff = c1.mu - c2.mu
d += mean_diff.transpose().dot(c2.inv_sigma).dot(mean_diff)
d -= len(c1.mu)
return 0.5 * d