Source code for pypmc.density.base

'''Collect abstract base probability density classes


import numpy as _np

[docs]class ProbabilityDensity(object): """Abstract Base class of a probability density. Can be used as proposal for the importance sampler. """ dim = 0 def __init__(self): raise NotImplementedError('Do not create instances from this class, use derived classes instead.')
[docs] def evaluate(self, x): """Evaluate log of the density to propose ``x``, namely log(q(x)). :param x: Vector-like array; the proposed point. """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def multi_evaluate(self, x, out=None): """Evaluate log of the density to propose ``x``, namely log(q(x)) for each row in x. :param x: Matrix-like array; the proposed points. Expect i-th accessible as ``x[i]``. :param out: Vector-like array, length==``len(x)``, optional; If provided, the output is written into this array. """ if out is None: out = _np.empty(len(x)) else: assert len(out) == len(x) for i, point in enumerate(x): out[i] = self.evaluate(point) return out
[docs] def propose(self, N=1, rng=_np.random.mtrand): """propose(self, N=1, rng=numpy.random.mtrand) Propose N points using the random number generator ``rng``. :param N: Integer; the number of random points to be proposed :param rng: State of a random number generator like ``numpy.random.mtrand`` """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs]class LocalDensity(object): """Abstract base class for a local probability density. Can be used as proposal for the Markov chain sampler. """ dim = 0 symmetric = False def __init__(self): raise NotImplementedError('Do not create instances from this class, use derived classes instead.')
[docs] def evaluate(self, x, y): """Evaluate log of the density to propose ``x`` given ``y``, namely log(q(x|y)). :param x: Vector-like array; the proposed point :param y: Vector-like array; the current point """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def propose(self, y, rng=_np.random.mtrand): """propose(self, y, rng=numpy.random.mtrand) Propose a new point given ``y`` using the random number generator ``rng``. :param y: Vector-like array; the current position :param rng: State of a random number generator like numpy.random.mtrand """ raise NotImplementedError()