Source code for

"""Collect generators of typical indicator functions."""

import numpy as _np

[docs]def ball(center, radius=1., bdy=True): '''Returns the indicator function of a ball. :param center: A vector-like numpy array, defining the center of the ball.\n len(center) fixes the dimension. :param radius: Float or int, the radius of the ball :param bdy: Bool, When ``x`` is at the ball's boundary then ``ball_indicator(x)`` returns ``True`` if and only if ``bdy=True``. ''' center = _np.array(center) # copy input parameter dim = len(center) if bdy: def ball_indicator(x): if len(x) != dim: raise ValueError('input has wrong dimension (%i instead of %i)' % (len(x), dim)) if _np.linalg.norm(x - center) <= radius: return True return False else: def ball_indicator(x): if len(x) != dim: raise ValueError('input has wrong dimension (%i instead of %i)' % (len(x), dim)) if _np.linalg.norm(x - center) < radius: return True return False # write docstring for ball_indicator ball_indicator.__doc__ = 'automatically generated ball indicator function:' ball_indicator.__doc__ += '\ncenter = ' + repr(center)[6:-1] ball_indicator.__doc__ += '\nradius = ' + str(radius) ball_indicator.__doc__ += '\nbdy = ' + str(bdy) return ball_indicator
[docs]def hyperrectangle(lower, upper, bdy=True): '''Returns the indicator function of a hyperrectangle. :param lower: Vector-like numpy array, defining the lower boundary of the hyperrectangle.\n len(lower) fixes the dimension. :param upper: Vector-like numpy array, defining the upper boundary of the hyperrectangle.\n :param bdy: Bool. When ``x`` is at the hyperrectangles's boundary then ``hr_indicator(x)`` returns ``True`` if and only if ``bdy=True``. ''' # copy input lower = _np.array(lower) upper = _np.array(upper) dim = len(lower) if (upper <= lower).any(): raise ValueError('invalid input; found upper <= lower') if bdy: def hr_indicator(x): if len(x) != dim: raise ValueError('input has wrong dimension (%i instead of %i)' % (len(x), dim)) if (lower <= x).all() and (x <= upper).all(): return True return False else: def hr_indicator(x): if len(x) != dim: raise ValueError('input has wrong dimension (%i instead of %i)' % (len(x), dim)) if (lower < x).all() and (x < upper).all(): return True return False # write docstring for ball_indicator hr_indicator.__doc__ = 'automatically generated hyperrectangle indicator function:' hr_indicator.__doc__ += '\nlower = ' + repr(lower)[6:-1] hr_indicator.__doc__ += '\nupper = ' + repr(upper)[6:-1] hr_indicator.__doc__ += '\nbdy = ' + str(bdy) return hr_indicator