Source code for pypmc.sampler.importance_sampling

"""Some useful tools for importance sampling. The main class is
:py:class:`ImportanceSampler` and there are some utility functions.


import numpy as _np
from math import exp as _exp
from copy import deepcopy as _cp
from import _inherit_docstring
from import History as _History
from import merge_function_with_indicator as _indmerge

[docs]def calculate_expectation(samples, weights, f): r'''Calculate the expectation value of function ``f`` using weighted samples (like the output of an importance-sampling run). Denoting :math:`x_n` as the sample n and :math:`w_n` as its (normalized) weight, the following is returned: .. math:: \sum_{n=1}^{N} w_n f(x_n) \mathrm{\ \ where\ \ } \sum_{n=1}^{N}w_n \overset{!}{=} 1 :param samples: Matrix-like numpy array; the samples to be used. :param weights: Vector-like numpy array; the (unnormalized) importance weights. :param f: Callable, the function to be evaluated. ''' assert len(samples) == len(weights), "The number of samples (got %i) must equal the number of weights (got %i)." % (len(samples),len(weights)) normalization = 0. out = 0. for weight, sample in zip(weights, samples): normalization += weight out += weight * f(sample) return out/normalization
[docs]def calculate_mean(samples, weights): r'''Calculate the mean of weighted samples (like the output of an importance-sampling run). :param samples: Matrix-like numpy array; the samples to be used. :param weights: Vector-like numpy array; the (unnormalized) importance weights. ''' assert len(samples) == len(weights), "The number of samples (got %i) must equal the number of weights (got %i)." % (len(samples),len(weights)) return _np.average(samples, axis=0, weights=weights)
[docs]def calculate_covariance(samples, weights): r'''Calculates the covariance matrix of weighted samples (like the output of an importance-sampling run). :param samples: Matrix-like numpy array; the samples to be used. :param weights: Vector-like numpy array; the (unnormalized) importance weights. ''' assert len(samples) == len(weights), "The number of samples (got %i) must equal the number of weights (got %i)." % (len(samples),len(weights)) sum_weights_sq = (weights.sum())**2 sum_sq_weights = (weights**2).sum() mean = calculate_mean(samples, weights) return sum_weights_sq / (sum_weights_sq - sum_sq_weights) *\ calculate_expectation(samples, weights, lambda x: _np.einsum('i,j', x - mean, x - mean))
_docstring_params_importance_sampler = """:param target: The target density. Must be a function accepting a 1d numpy array and returning a float, namely :math:`\log(P(x))`, the log of the target `P`. :param proposal: The proposal density `q`. Should be of type :py:class:`pypmc.density.base.ProbabilityDensity`. :param indicator: The indicator function receives a numpy array and returns bool. The target is only called if indicator(proposed_point) returns True. Otherwise, the proposed point will get zero-weight without call to target. Use this function to specify the support of the target. .. seealso:: :py:mod:`` :param prealloc: Integer; the number of samples for which memory is preallocated. If more memory is needed, it will be allocated on demand. .. hint:: Preallocating memory can speed up the calculation, in particular if it is known in advance how long the chains are run. :param save_target_values: Bool; if ``True``, store the evaluated ``target`` at every visited point in ``self.target_values`` :param rng: The rng passed to the proposal when calling proposal.propose .. important:: ``rng`` must fulfill the requirements of your proposal :py:meth:`pypmc.density.base.ProbabilityDensity.propose` """
[docs]class ImportanceSampler(object): __doc__ = r"""An importance sampler, generates weighted samples from ``target`` using ``proposal``. """ + _docstring_params_importance_sampler def __init__(self, target, proposal, indicator=None, prealloc=0, save_target_values=False, rng=_np.random.mtrand): self.proposal = _cp(proposal) self.rng = rng = _indmerge(target, indicator, -_np.inf) self.target_values = _History(1, prealloc) if save_target_values else None self.weights = _History(1, prealloc) self.samples = _History(proposal.dim, prealloc) def clear(self): '''Clear history of samples and other internal variables to free memory. .. note:: The proposal is untouched. ''' self.samples.clear() self.weights.clear() if self.target_values is not None: self.target_values.clear() def run(self, N=1, trace_sort=False): '''Run the sampler, store the history of visited points into the member variable ``self.samples`` and the importance weights into ``self.weights``. .. seealso:: :py:class:`` :param N: Integer; the number of samples to be drawn. :param trace_sort: Bool; if True, return an array containing the responsible component of ``self.proposal`` for each sample generated during this run. .. note:: This option only works for proposals of type :py:class:`pypmc.density.mixture.MixtureDensity` .. note:: If True, the samples will be ordered by the components. ''' if N == 0: return 0 if trace_sort: this_samples, origin = self._get_samples(N, trace_sort=True) self._calculate_weights(this_samples, N) return origin else: this_samples = self._get_samples(N, trace_sort=False) self._calculate_weights(this_samples, N) def _calculate_weights(self, this_samples, N): """Calculate and save the weights of a run.""" this_weights = self.weights.append(N)[:,0] if self.target_values is None: for i in range(N): tmp =[i]) - self.proposal.evaluate(this_samples[i]) this_weights[i] = _exp(tmp) else: this_target_values = self.target_values.append(N) for i in range(N): this_target_values[i] =[i]) tmp = this_target_values[i] - self.proposal.evaluate(this_samples[i]) this_weights[i] = _exp(tmp) def _get_samples(self, N, trace_sort): """Save N samples from ``self.proposal`` to ``self.samples`` This function does NOT calculate the weights. Return a reference to this run's samples in ``self.samples``. If ``trace_sort`` is True, additionally return an array indicating the responsible component. (MixtureDensity only) """ # allocate an empty numpy array to store the run and append accept count # (importance sampling accepts all points) this_run = self.samples.append(N) # store the proposed points (weights are still to be calculated) if trace_sort: this_run[:], origin = self.proposal.propose(N, self.rng, trace=True, shuffle=False) return this_run, origin else: this_run[:] = self.proposal.propose(N, self.rng) return this_run
[docs]def combine_weights(samples, weights, proposals): """Calculate the `deterministic mixture weights` according to [Cor+12]_ given ``samples``, standard ``weights`` and their ``proposals`` for a number of steps in which importance samples are computed for the same target density but different proposals. Return the weights as a :class:`` such that the weights for each proposal are easily accessible. :param samples: Iterable of matrix-like arrays; the weighted samples whose importance weights shall be combined. One sample per row in each array, one array for each step, or different proposal. :param weights: Iterable of 1D arrays; the standard importance weights :math:`P(x_i^t)/q_t(x_i^t)`. Each array in the iterable contains all weights of the samples of step ``t``, they array's size has to match the ``t``-th entry in samples. :param proposals: Iterable of :py:class:`pypmc.density.base.ProbabilityDensity` instances; the proposal densities from which the ``samples`` have been drawn. """ # shallow copy --> can safely modify (need numpy arrays --> can overwrite with np.asarray) samples = list(samples) weights = list(weights) assert len(samples) == len(weights), \ "Got %i importance-sampling runs but %i weights" % (len(samples), len(weights)) assert len(samples) == len(proposals), \ "Got %i importance-sampling runs but %i proposal densities" % (len(samples), len(proposals)) # number of samples from each proposal N = _np.empty(len(proposals)) N_total = 0 # basic consistency checks, conversion to numpy array and counting of the total number of samples for i in range(len(N)): samples[i] = _np.asarray(samples[i]) assert len(samples[i].shape) == 2, '``samples[%i]`` is not matrix like.' % i dim = samples[0].shape[-1] assert samples[i].shape[-1] == dim, \ "Dimension of samples[0] (%i) does not match the dimension of samples[%i] (%i)" \ % (dim, i, samples[i].shape[-1]) N[i] = len(samples[i]) N_total += int(N[i]) weights[i] = _np.asarray(weights[i]) assert N[i] == len(weights[i]), \ 'Length of weights[%i] (%i) does not match length of samples[%i] (%i)' \ % (i, N[i], i, len(weights[i])) combined_weights_history = _History(1, N_total) # if all weights positive => prefer log scale all_positive = True for w in weights: all_positive &= (w[:] > 0.0).all() if not all_positive: break if all_positive: combined_weights_history = _combine_weights_log(samples, weights, proposals, combined_weights_history, N_total, N) else: combined_weights_history = _combine_weights_linear(samples, weights, proposals, combined_weights_history, N_total, N) assert _np.isfinite(combined_weights_history[:][:,0]).all(), 'Encountered inf or nan mixture weights' return combined_weights_history
def _combine_weights_linear(samples, weights, proposals, combined_weights_history, N_total, N): # now the actual combination: [Cor+12], Eq. (3) # on linear scale for t, this_proposal in enumerate(proposals): this_combined_weights = combined_weights_history.append(N[t]) this_combined_weight_denominator = 0.0 for j, prop in enumerate(proposals): this_combined_weight_denominator += N[j] * _np.exp(prop.multi_evaluate(samples[t])) this_combined_weight_denominator /= N_total this_target_values = _np.exp(this_proposal.multi_evaluate(samples[t])) * weights[t] this_combined_weights[:][:,0] = this_target_values / this_combined_weight_denominator return combined_weights_history def _combine_weights_log(samples, weights, proposals, combined_weights_history, N_total, N): # on log scale in their notation # log w_i^t = log(omega_i^t) + log(q_i^t) + log(\sum_j N_j) - log(\sum_l N_l exp(log(q_l(y_i^t)))) # where omega is the ordinary importance weight for t, this_proposal in enumerate(proposals): # "subarray" for this step t, part of big array of all mixture weights combined_weights = combined_weights_history.append(N[t]) # actually collection of vectors y^t_i for all i y = samples[t] # evaluate proposal at step t for all the samples log_q_t = this_proposal.multi_evaluate(y) # mixture weights on log scale: assume w>0! log_w_t = _np.log(weights[t]).copy() log_w_t += log_q_t log_w_t += _np.log(N_total) # matrix of all proposal evaluated at every sample in step t q = _np.empty((int(N[t]), len(proposals))) q[:,t] = log_q_t # loop over all indices l != t other_steps = list(range(len(proposals))) other_steps.pop(t) for l in other_steps: q[:,l] = proposals[l].multi_evaluate(y) # use logsumexp in case q are so small that exp(q)=0 in double precision from import logsumexp2D log_w_t -= logsumexp2D(q, N) # return to linear scale combined_weights[:][:,0] = _np.exp(log_w_t) # return mixture weights for ALL steps sum_w = combined_weights_history[:][:,0].sum() assert sum_w > 0, 'Sum of weights <=0 (%g)' % sum_w return combined_weights_history