Source code for pypmc.mix_adapt.r_value

'''Functions associated with the Gelman-Rubin R value [GR92]_.


import numpy as _np
from import _add_to_docstring
from import partition as _part
from ..density.mixture import create_gaussian_mixture as _mkgauss, create_t_mixture as _mkt

_manual_param_n = ''':param n:

        Integer; the number of samples used to determine the estimates
        passed via ``means`` and ``%(var)s``.

_manual_param_approx = ''':param approx:

        Bool; If False (default), calculate the R value as in [GR92]_.
        If True, neglect the uncertainty induced by the sampling process.


[docs]@_add_to_docstring(_manual_param_approx) @_add_to_docstring(_manual_param_n %dict(var='variances')) def r_value(means, variances, n, approx=False): '''Calculate the Gelman-Rubin R value (Chapter 2.2 in [GR92]_). The R value can be used to quantify mixing of "multiple iterative simulations" (e.g. Markov Chains) in parameter space. An R value "close to one" indicates that all chains explored the same region of the parameter. .. note:: The R value is defined only in *one* dimension. :param means: Vector-like array; the sample mean of each chain. :param variances: Vector-like array; the sample variance of each chain. ''' # use same variable names as in [GR92] # means is \bar{x}_i # variances is s_i^2 means = _np.asarray(means) variances = _np.asarray(variances) assert means.ndim == 1, '``means`` must be vector-like' assert variances.ndim == 1, '``variances`` must be vector-like' assert len(means) == len(variances), \ 'Number of ``means`` (%i) does not match number of ``variances`` (%i)' %( len(means), len(variances) ) m = len(means) x_bar = _np.average(means) B_over_n = ((means - x_bar)**2).sum() / (m - 1) W = _np.average(variances) # var_estimate is \hat{\sigma}^2 var_estimate = (n - 1) / n * W + B_over_n if approx: return var_estimate / W V = var_estimate + B_over_n / m # calculate the three terms of \hat{var}(\hat{V}) (equation (4) in [GR92] # var_V is \hat{var}(\hat{V}) tmp_cov_matrix = _np.cov(variances, means) # third term var_V = _np.cov(variances, means**2)[1,0] - 2. * x_bar * tmp_cov_matrix[1,0] var_V *= 2. * (m + 1) * (n - 1) / (m * m * n) # second term (merged n in denominator into ``B_over_n``) var_V += ((m + 1) / m)**2 * 2. / (m - 1) * B_over_n * B_over_n # first term var_V += ((n - 1) / n)**2 / m * tmp_cov_matrix[0,0] df = 2. * V**2 / var_V if df <= 2.: return _np.inf return V / W * df / (df - 2)
[docs]@_add_to_docstring(_manual_param_approx) @_add_to_docstring(''':param critical_r: Float; group the chains such that their common R value is below ``critical_r``. ''') @_add_to_docstring(_manual_param_n %dict(var='variances')) def r_group(means, variances, n, critical_r=2., approx=False): '''Group ``m`` (Markov) chains whose common :py:func:`.r_value` is less than ``critical_r`` in each of the D dimensions. :param means: (m x D) Matrix-like array; the mean value estimates. :param variances: (m x D) Matrix-like array; the variance estimates. ''' assert len(means) == len(variances), \ 'Number of ``means`` (%i) does not match number of ``variances`` (%i)' % (len(means), len(variances)) means = _np.asarray(means) variances = _np.asarray(variances) assert means.ndim == 2, '``means`` must be matrix-like' assert variances.ndim == 2, '``variances`` must be 2-dimensional' assert means.shape[1] == variances.shape[1], \ 'Dimensionality of ``means`` (%i) and ``variances`` (%i) does not match' % (means.shape[1], variances.shape[1]) groups = [] for i in range(len(means)): assigned = False # try to assign component i to an existing group for group in groups: rows = group + [i] # R values for each parameter r_values = _np.array([r_value(means[rows, j], variances[rows, j], n, approx) for j in range(means.shape[1])]) if _np.all(r_values < critical_r): # add to group if R value small enough group.append(i) assigned = True break # if component i has not been added to an existing group case create a new group if not assigned: groups.append([i]) return groups
def _make_r_patches(data, K_g, critical_r, indices, approx): '''Helper function for :py:func:`.make_r_gaussmix` and :py:func:`.make_r_tmix`. Group the ``data`` according to the R value and split each group into ``K_g`` patches. Return the patch means and covariances. For details see the docstrings of the above mentioned functions. ''' def append_components(means, covs, data, partition): subdata_start = 0 subdata_stop = partition[0] for len_subdata in partition: subdata = data[subdata_start:subdata_stop] means.append( _np.mean(subdata, axis=0) ) covs.append ( _np.cov (subdata, rowvar=0) ) subdata_start += len_subdata subdata_stop += len_subdata n = len(data[0]) for item in data: assert len(item) == n, 'Every chain must bring the same number of points.' data = [_np.asarray(d) for d in data] if indices is None: # choose all parameters indices = _np.arange(data[0].shape[1]) assert len(indices) > 0, 'Invalid specification of parameter indices. Need a non-empty iterable, got ' + str(indices) # select columns of parameters through indices chain_groups = r_group([_np.mean(chain_values.T[indices], axis=1) for chain_values in data], [_np.var (chain_values.T[indices], axis=1, ddof=1) for chain_values in data], n, critical_r, approx) long_patches_means = [] long_patches_covs = [] for group in chain_groups: # we want K_g components from k_g = len(group) chains k_g = len(group) if K_g >= k_g: # find minimal lexicographic integer partition n = _part(K_g, k_g) for i, chain_index in enumerate(group): # need to partition in n[i] parts data_full_chain = data[chain_index] # find minimal lexicographic integer partition of chain_length into n[i] this_patch_lengths = _part(len(data_full_chain), n[i]) append_components(long_patches_means, long_patches_covs, data_full_chain, this_patch_lengths) else: # form one long chain and set k_g = 1 k_g = 1 # make one large chain data_full_chain = _np.vstack([data[i] for i in group]) # need to partition into K_g parts -- > minimal lexicographic integer partition this_patch_lengths = _part(len(data_full_chain), K_g) append_components(long_patches_means, long_patches_covs, data_full_chain, this_patch_lengths) return long_patches_means, long_patches_covs
[docs]@_add_to_docstring(_manual_param_approx) def make_r_gaussmix(data, K_g=15, critical_r=2., indices=None, approx=False): '''Use ``data`` from multiple "Iterative Simulations" (e.g. Markov Chains) to form a Gaussian Mixture. This approach refers to the "long patches" in [BC13]_. The idea is to group chains according to their R-value as in :py:func:`.r_group` and form ``K_g`` Gaussian Components per chain group. Once the groups are found by :py:func:`.r_group`, the ``data`` from each chain group is partitioned into ``K_g`` parts (using :py:func:``). For each of these parts a Gaussian with its empirical mean and covariance is created. Return a :py:class:`pypmc.density.mixture.MixtureDensity` with :py:class:`pypmc.density.gauss.Gauss` components. .. seealso:: :py:func:`.make_r_tmix` :param data: Iterable of matrix-like arrays; the individual items are interpreted as points from an individual chain. .. important:: Every chain must bring the same number of points. :param K_g: Integer; the number of components per chain group. :param critical_r: Float; the maximum R value a chain group may have. :param indices: Integer; Iterable of Integers; use R value in these dimensions only. Default is all. .. note:: If ``K_g`` is too large, some covariance matrices may not be positive definite. Reduce ``K_g`` or increase ``len(data)``! ''' return _mkgauss(*_make_r_patches(data, K_g, critical_r, indices, approx))
[docs]@_add_to_docstring(_manual_param_approx) def make_r_tmix(data, K_g=15, critical_r=2., dof=5., indices=None, approx=False): '''Use ``data`` from multiple "Iterative Simulations" (e.g. Markov Chains) to form a Student t Mixture. This approach refers to the "long patches" in [BC13]_. The idea is to group chains according to their R-value as in :py:func:`.r_group` and form ``K_g`` Student t Components per chain group. Once the groups are found by :py:func:`.r_group`, the ``data`` from each chain group is partitioned into ``K_g`` parts (using :py:func:``). For each of these parts a Student t component with its empirical mean, covariance and degree of freedom is created. Return a :py:class:`pypmc.density.mixture.MixtureDensity` with :py:class:`pypmc.density.student_t.StudentT` components. .. seealso:: :py:func:`.make_r_gaussmix` :param data: Iterable of matrix-like arrays; the individual items are interpreted as points from an individual chain. .. important:: Every chain must bring the same number of points. :param K_g: Integer; the number of components per chain group. :param critical_r: Float; the maximum R value a chain group may have. :param dof: Float; the degree of freedom the components will have. :param indices: Integer; Iterable of Integers; use R value in these dimensions only. Default is all. ''' assert dof > 2., "``dof`` must be larger than 2. (got %g)" %dof means, covs = _make_r_patches(data, K_g, critical_r, indices, approx) sigmas = _np.asarray(covs) # cov = nu / (nu-2) * sigma sigmas *= (dof - 2.) / dof return _mkt(means, sigmas, [dof] * len(means))